Dr. Boger

 Dr. Cyrus Maxwell Boger


Cyrus Maxwell Boger (1861 - 1935) was an American homeopath. His long career in medical practice and research resulted in contributions to scientific medical books and articles for medical journals. He is regarded as an author and physician of great eminence.

Dr. C. M. Boger graduated from the Philadelphia College of Medicine.

He later studied at the Hahnemann Homoeopathic Medical College in Philadelphia, from which he graduated. During his long career in medical practice and research, Dr. Boger contributed important scientific textbooks, in addition to his authorship of a number of articles for medical journals.

His authorship of several scientific textbooks, his analysis and construction of a Repertory, his lively translation of several medical books from notable German authors and his indefatigable labour for the production of original works, like The Times of the Remedies and Moon Phases and his Provings of Samarskite made him universally recognized as an author and physician of great eminence.



Homoeopathic Therapeutics




C. M. BOGER, M. D.,

Member of the International Hahnemannian Association.


The urgent need for a manual giving a "bird's eye," view as it were, of the Homoeopathic Therapeutics of Diphtheria as enunciated by our best practitioners has been the incentive leading to this compilation.

In this connection it may be profitable to refer briefly to a few points that will greatly aid the physician in successfully combating so great a scourge.

Homoeopathic Therapeutics of Diptheria Boger


Characteristics and Repertory.



C. M. BOGER, M. D.








IT gives me great pleasure to be able to present the essentials of the masterpieces of Boenninghausen, condensed into one volume, to the profession. The " THERAPEUTIC POCKET BOOK " is easily the foremost of these; an annotated copy presented by the author to the late Dr. Carrol Dunham later became the property of Dr. H. N. Guernsey and is now in the possession of his son, Dr. Joseph C. Guernsey, whose courtesy enables me to incorporate it in its entirety in the present work.

The Materia Medica part consists of the " Characteristics," now translated as such for the first time, the "Whooping Cough," the "Domestic Physician," therapeutic hints gleaned from the " Aphorisms of Hippocrates," and the symptom text of the " Intermittent Fever." For purposes of comparison the "Allied Remedies " are added at the end of each remedy; they were the result of long years of observation on the part of Boenninghausen and largely supplemented the " Concordances." It has been my aim to arrange and sift the matter in a way that would avoid all needless repetition, as well as to render the most expressive sentences as accurately as possible, while preserving their essential meaning. The periodic homoeopathic literature of Boenninghausen's time contains many communications from him and large numbers of hints from this source have been incorporated in the text.

In order to enhance the value of a book intended for ready reference, I have thought it best to add the following remedies: Aloes, Apis, Argentum nitricum, Borax, Bromium Calcarea phosphorica, Fluoricum acidum, Gelsemium, Glonoinum, Kali bichromicum Kreosotum, Mercurius corrosivus, Natrum sulphuricum, Phytolacca, Podophyllum, Psorinum and Tabacum. These, in a very considerable measure, represent the advance in our Materia Medica since Boenninghausen passed away.

The Repertory embraces the " Pocketbook," the " Apsoric " and the " Antipsoric " repertories, the " Sides of the Body," the repertory part of the " Intermittent Fever" and of " Whooping Cough," as well as a large number of paragraphs from the " Aphorisms of Hippocrates." Properly designated additions have been made from the exigencies of daily practice, but no clinical symptoms have been thus admitted.

Studies in the

Philosophy of Healing

And others writing including The Study of Materia Medica and Taking the case

- C. M . BOGER



The late Dr. C. M. Boger held a pre-eminent position among the Hahnemannian homoeopaths of his time. He was rightly called the dean of the homoeopathic profession. "He was a real German, as simple and natural as a child, but, in mind and mastery of our philosophy, a giant". With this analytical mind and vast learning, he has enriched the homoeopathic literature by his monumental works and also by his contributions of learned articles to the various journals of his time, including the well-know Homoeopathic Recorder.

The present work is a compilation of his illuminating articles from the Recorder and also those culled from his other writings and, we have no doubt, will be found to throw a flood of light on the subtle philosophy of homoeopathy, as enunciated by the master.

The publishers tender their grateful thanks to the Recorder for making available to them some of these articles and permitting their reproduction. The publishers will deem their labours well recompensed if the volume is warmly received, as it deserves to be, and will feel encouraged to gather further material from the writings of Dr. Boger from incorporating in the next edition.

17th November 1952


In this edition, we have included Dr. Boger's two other interesting articles, Reason And Fact and Points In Obstetrical Therapeutics on the subject of Philosophy of Healing.

24th October, 1964

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